nonetheless, i've had great weekend with the loved ones :)
too good until i was nearly late for work this morning
in order to prevent having late record in my punch card i left my house with a naked face - no sunblock no moisturizer no eye brow -_-
how dare i
hopefully i dont get any dark spots T.T
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my bed was in a mess last night
maskssss! :D
bought all these months ago and i've finally had enough of seeing them stacking high in one corner of my room
so i took all masks out of their box to see if i could reduce the number of boxes to be kept
there are 12 boxes of them but only 9 types
i love the graphic design of the packaging
itz simple yet nice
i like the primary packaging too
they are all in different colour!
this was what i've got in the end
9 boxes of masks with assorted types :D
i ramdomly picked 6 different masks and put them into each box
will open another box only after i've finish one
by doing so i will not be repeatedly using the same type of mask over a period of time :D
clever eh? lol
while i was looking for a storage area for these boxes i found something!
dooooo... my pressie from Jusco HONG KONG!!!
i bet u wont see this type of Jusco plastic bag here in JB
it's much nicer (and looks better) than the local one isnt it?
it was my xmas pressie last year
leewang bought me this when we were in HK
it was wrapped at a gift-wrapping counter, which was specially set up for the upcoming xmas at tat time
the wrapper wasn't tat bad though :)
itz a super cute snoopy photo frame
there is this 3D snoopy which is holding a camera!
he has the same hobby as mine :D
it is made of materials like clay (or ceramic?) hence it is pretty fragile
both of us was super duper scared of it being broken into pieces so we held it extremely carefully on our way home
i wouldnt mind receiving pressie that has not been wrapped nicely
therefore our motive for getting it wrapped.....
definitely for protection!!!!
the frame itself didn't come with a case, never mind a hard shield
that ppl in-charge was so kind that she wrapped at least 5 layers of the bubble wrap -_-
my frame became so bulky with these layers added and was 2 times thicker xD
this is the 2nd snoopy frame leewang has bought me but two of them are still remaining photo-less at the moment -.-"
my face has been attacked by PIMPLES since N days ago
gosh.....they made me feel terrible whenever i looked into the mirror
couldnt stand them anymore so i went to The Face Shop for the cure that i was introduced some times ago
Quick & Clean First Aid Gel, RM29.90/15ml
this is a product that i'd recommend to ppl around me, esp those having acne-prone skin
the effect was fantastic!
accidentally broke one of the pimple and caused it to bleed last night
i quicky applied a fair amount of the gel to it and there was this slight prickly feeling detected
to my surprise today the wound seems to be 50% healed!
it has dried up and is less painful and swollen now
after application, the gel formed a gel layer on the top of the pimples as it got drier
i suppose it helped to prevent the pimple from contacting with the surrounding contaminants esp the FINGER
i'm still observing to see if it can prevent the formation of horrible pimple scar : /
got myself my first ever Eye Shadow last Sat
Majolook Trick On Eyes from Majolica Majorca, RM53.90+10% discount
i always picked up the most expensive one T.T
no choice lar... the colours were capable of mind-catching lolz
there is this olive green colour in it, itz occurrence is rather unusual in eye shadow
but these four colours unexpectedly go together very well !
intend to get another one from Kate when i've got extra fund T.T
clothes, shoes and bags are the 3 things that i guess most female have the least resistance to :D
i'm a 20000% female could i resist a RM25 shoes? lolz
tats why i brought this shoes out from Summit less than 10mins after i stepped into the shop
have a nice day! :D
how do i live without u, 5.11pm
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