as if it has become his ~_~
attended a small gathering held at Miss Chocolate's house last Sat
i brought along leewang too!
this was the first time he had joined my forum pals ;)
how i wish they can become good friends so that we can attend whatever forum gathering together =]
speaking of the gathering..
we celebrated x'mas 6 months in advance! :D
every attendant got a luxurious pressie from Ms Santa aka Miss Chocolate
i should have taken the photos all ALL PRESENTS 'coz they were so nicely packed!
leanrnt a couple of unknown brands tat nite lolz
a picture speaks a thousand words
enjoy! ;)
eau de campagne - perfume from Sisley
i simply love the packaging!
and inside
the 3 pieces set that includes shower gel + perfume + body lotion
miss chocolate's enormous collection of....SAMPLES!!!
she was so generous that we were given a chance to pick and bring back what we wanted :D
hiak hiak hiak
greedily picked 2 out of 'em :p
chocolatesss were definitely the desserts that couldn't be left out
french cheery + chocolate + alcohol = what u saw in this pic
i could feel the alcohol contained within FLOWING in my mouth!!!!
can u imagine how much liquid has been added?
how cute~
Lindt in bell shape, with the classic taste of Lindt
what's this?
i liked the box so much that i requested her to gimme this when they finished everything inside :D
uber tasty butter cookies ever!!!!
my mouth is salivating now : /
miss chocolate can u gimme those left-over? T.T
took this before i left
it was a semi-group photo 'coz quite a number of ms choco's friends had actually left before us -_-
left to right: me/FF/sakura/jj-like KJ/Ms Santa/PP
the KJ was sooooo cute n funny
don't make wild guess - itz a compliment ;)
hoh hoh
second gift of the night
FF got me these from her 2-week trip to Taiwan
left: post-it with Wan Wan graphics
right: sticker that tells '趋吉避凶 - Good Come Bad Go Away' lolz
i must must must mark Taiwan as another must-go destination!
today is the 3rd Monday of June
had my 50% off Ajisen Ramen again
Tomato Chicken Ramen
i will never ever order this again
the soup was so different than the one tat i usually have
it tasted like Borshch, thicker version
Borshch with ramen?
weird enough -_-
there were fried chicken cutletys immersed in it hence i ended up eating soggy FRIED cutlets : /
was tat my punishment for not having this 50% Ramen treat with leewang? T.T
took a nap just now
it explains why i could hang on until now without really feeling sleepy :p
but for the sake of my skin i'd better turn in before 1am
Perak trip with family & leewang countdown: 2 days
how do i live without u, 12.59am
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