start blogging at 12.47am
sounds great eh? -_-
i realize i always took hours to edit photos O.o
would have started hours ago IF ONLY i could focus on my photo editing, stop being multi-tasked LOLZ
leewang was back from Melaka on Wed, managed to pick me up from work at 5.30pm
he got me something really nice

bottle in pink :D
to be exact, pink-bottled umbrella it is!!!
hold on the bottle neck and pull....

the bottle neck becomes the handle of the umbrella
i haven't open the umbrella itself so i'm not sure of the printing on it
leewang told me the boss said it's the same as the graphic on the bottle but i doubt so
feeling happy, i suggested we go for a sushi buffet that had been mentioned since it just started itz business
the restaurant is called
Hikageit was an ala carte buffet, we could order whatever we wanted from the menu
yes of course, unlimited order :D

this is the menu, with their logo printed on the cover
nice niceargh..should have taken the contents which u all must be more interested in :(
lets see what we have eaten in the 2.5hours....
click for hyper-enlarged pici love the foods!!!!!
they were really nice, way too good compared to sushi buffet at DxN SuShi
the food portion was pretty big too, the edamame served was much more than those sold in Sushi King at RM4 each
nth much to introduce since most of you should have a clear idea on what sushi buffet is all about
i can assure you that the foods are really nice and surely a value-for-money treat
bill for 2 pax = RM48 x 2
do the math urself :p
fyi, on Mon-Fri they charge RM3x/pax for lunch (12pm-3pm), RM48/pax for dinner(6pm-10.30pm); on Sat, Sun & certain PH, both lunch & dinner buffets are charged at RM48/pax. however, u get to enjoy one hour longer for lunch buffet on these days
stop salivating and go down personally to prove me right ;)

8 packets for RM2 only :D:D:D
i love buying titbits in small packet as i can have many types at one go, unlike the normal size ones i can only buy 1 packet each time :(
imagine u bought 8 packets of titbits in normal size........................ : /
my sodium intake must be ultra high! -_-
ok, now itz time for me to let you all know how evil a
salesman can be
i'm not pin-pointing at all salesman but to inform my dear readers of the existence of such
LIAR, who told lies in such a way as if they were GENERAL TRUTH
the story begins.....
pretty long story so get ur patience readythese was this day my mom bought a mattress and bed at HOMELIFE BUKIT INDAH
we were lucky to get 2 KingKoil Contour Pillows FOC
credited to my superb bargaining skill lar :p

u know what? this pillow was sold at RM490!!!!!!
wth...who on earth would spend 500 bucks for a pillow : /
the price must have been incredibly marked-upaccording to the salesperson, the staff-price of the pillow was as high as RM250!
and we got them FOC :D:D:D
when the delivery man came i wasn't around and my mom was so careless that she didn't inspect the goods before signing on the delivery form
too bad by the time i reached home they had already gone
i opened both boxes and realized one of them was wrapped in a torn plastic bag
the one with torn plastic came with a TAPED BOX too!
so i started to suspect the staff might have passed the SAMPLE PILLOW to us!
(on the day we purchased the mattress there were a few pillows of this kind available for customer to sleep on while laying on the mattress for testing)fyi, these pillows were delivered on different day as the mattress 'coz they were out of stock. since they specially ordered the pillows for us how could them possibly in different conditions? looking at the appearance, apparently one was brand new and the other.....obviously not brand new!!!
not tat i wanted everything in BRAND NEW condition, the thing is how could them give a USED product out? even though they were FOC
i felt disgusted and annoyed at the thought of getting a USED PILLOW, sample summore!
i couldnt imagine how many ppl had actually place their head on it!!!!!!
my mom was very qincai she said doesn't matter since it was in good condition
no way i was gonna give in like she did
i called HOMELIFE telling them what was going on and they said i could bring back for a replacement since they got available stock
the one answering my call sounded as if i was being fussy over a slightly torn packaging
sickeningwhen i brought it there and showed it to them, they was rather stunned and had no idea what to do as they had do available stock
wasn't i told 'we've available stocl' ?!
in the end i left the pillow there and waited for the stock to be delivered from KL
weeks later there were still no news of the pillow so leewang n i went down to HOMELIFE again
this time round we were attended by the fatty manager
i asked him abt the pillow, at first he looked slightly puzzled but got the picture very soon
he told me tat the manufacturer changed the packaging - new batch
DOESNT COME WITH PLASTIC COVERhe even claimed that they had checked a few boxes and
ALL OF THEM WEREN'T WRAPPEDfor sure i did not believe him so i asked him to show me
u noe what i saw?
the only difference was that they had removed the plastic cover
i was really annoyed and did not want to believe a single word of him
he kept finding lame excuse to convinve me that it was NEW
let me show u part (not continuous) of the conversation:
c: this is the one i brought back wat. u see the tape seal at the bottom.
F: oh because sometimes they stack like 20 boxes together and it might cause the box to be spoilt so they will need to seal them up using the tape. it always happens and it's inevitable.c: i still dont believe it's new coz another i got has a plastic cover and looked totally new.
F: hey miss i dont have to bluff you what. you must trust me 'coz if there is no trust between customer and salesman how are we gonna make the deal? u didn't bring any cash bill i oso stand here and discuss with you 'coz i trust u!c: (was secretly thinking of tactics to deal witht this chap) but i still don't believe it'z new.
F: ok lar if u really want i can send it back and ask them to wrap the plastic and seal it for you. it's actually the psychological effect lar. u see the pillow, it's still in good condition wat.obviously he didn't get the point, which was i wanted to be assured that it was CLEAN rather than merely having wrapped with plastic! stupid!!!!c: ok i dont care what you do, as long as you can convince me that the pillow is new, i'm fine with it.
after the
discussion i followed him to the counter and waited him to make some calls
in one of his call he said something like 'the customer wants a nicely wrapped one, cannot have holes ar, and the box also must be in perfect condition, very nice one'
he emphasized all the NICE and i was so sick of him ~_~
listening to the conversation made me furious like !#$%^&*
in the end he told me to collect on Tue
after we left leewang told me he actually overheard his conversation with the warehouse staff -
there was no stock left in the warehouse currentlyhasn't he got
few boxes to check?! how come no stock now?? doesn't make sense at all!!!
i blamed leewang for not telling me on the spot otherwise i could have revealed all the lies in front of him and made him ULTRA embarrassed!!!!!!
finally we got the brand new with plastic cover pillow 2 days ago
i went with the cash bill lor just in case he made use of his TRUST again
how do i live without u, 2.38am