exam is around the corner, to be exact, it's coming in 6 days. 6 DAYS?!?! had only one month lesson then here comes the exam -_- this is simply how the block module works - having only one module at a time and finishing everything that is to be completed within 1 month. but it's pretty good coz i could just dump away any not-so-fun module in one month's time! :D
lesson ended 12pm today.
headed to somewhere at bukit timah to have lunch with the leaving prof. i tot we would be having meal in an indian restaurant as we were told tat we'd be having indian cuisine. eventually we ended up in an mamak-like restaurant -_- basically there were indian/malay/chindian foods to be chosen from. CHINDIAN! WOW! for the first time in my life i knew the existence of such word O.o
chinese + indian = chindian
chinese + malay = ?
coz malay nvr eat pork and chinese loves pork so much. :D
aw...i love this joke of mine! LOL
travelled for hours and finally reached my warmest home. you wouldn't know how tired i was carrying the 3kg bulky item : / while resting i set up my lappie and unconsciously keyed in facebook.com in the address bar -_- i thought i would at least flip thru my textbook tonight but........apparently i've done nth except browsing thru webpages like an idiot. i do think that random net-surfing it a rather idiotic activity 'coz it doesnt require any intelligence does it? as long as you have fingers and you're not blind you can net-surf! simply type in the address and hit enter, you can just stare at the webpage and receive any information given in the website without having to pay much effort. illiterate? millions of picture are awaiting to be googled -___- can anyone save me from being sooooooooooooooo lazy of studying?
leewang's not coming to my house tomorrow morning.sigh.saturday morning without him is just like a normal day :( well, it's more like sunday coz i dont have to go to sch =_= due to unknown reason his prof rearranged the class schedule to Sat. how annoying :( the prof must be single lar! 'coz doesnt need to accompany anyone so he/she has nth better to do except giving lecture. O.o but he will be coming to my place in the afternoon and we're gonna celebrate mooncake festival one week in advance! will be playing lantern at night at his new house :D i just realized this will be the 5th lantern festival that we've spent together! wow time flies~~~~~ and we're getting older -.- opppsss shall keep this to myself or i might offend someone unknowingly :p
oh ya....today is friday. some grand event is going on in sg! it's nth else but F1! to be frank i'm not a big fan of car racing so am not really excited over this event -_- but days ago my auntie showed me something tat wowed me :D
wow wow!

F1 entrance pass!
it was packed nicely in a box.couldnt stop myself from taking picsss. i wouldn't know how the f1 passes look like life for the rest of my life if my auntie didn't show it to me
'coz i bet i will never spent almost 200 bucks on these -_-

this is the 3 days walkabout set so there are 3 passes for Fri, Sat & Sun respectively. but the two passes in the photo are for Sunday, can be seen from the word SUN. fyi, fri is practice session; sat is the qualifying race and sun, the final race.

the front and back view of the passes

it goes with a lanyard as well. so i guess pass holders are supposed to wear it throughout the night when the event is taking place?

and the back of the box. itz soooo cool! but i had seen smth cool-er (cooler -_-) than this the day i paid my visit to Singapore Flyer....

mini model race car?

can u see how big the car was in constrast with the security guard?
i'm not familiar with the model so i googled for 'f1 race car' and the word 'ferrari' appeared the most time. i guess this shud be a ferrari.

closer view. stunning!!!!
a ferrari f1 race car in my fav hot red!!!!!
felt rather excited the moment i saw the car. it was really attention catching! i wish i had the chance to have a seat on it :p
2AM! i used to sleep at 11.30pm lately and now. 2am -.-"
better stop here and wake up at 10am tmr to study for exam : /
how do i live without u, 2.04am
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