there are countless blogs in this blogosphere, each of them exists with its own uniqueness which attracts different group of reader. i wonder how many of you actually shared the same thought as me: why could some blogs attract incredibly huge bunch of readers while some don't. so i asked myself why did i follow blogs i followed? and i realized perhaps it's simply because they possess certain characteristics that i don't or lead a life that i wish i had. ok enough on that since i'm not doing an analysis on why popular blogs are popular -_- my point is that i was once envying of bloggers with loads and loads of follower. it feels good when you know somebody cares about what you share and most importantly, they response.
BUT NOW, not anymore.
why should i care about if someone is reading whatever crap i wrote? it doesn't really matter to me anymore. come to think of it, it could be ultra inconvenient if your blog became sooooooo popular like xiaxue's. when ur blog became popular, inevitably you'd be famous too. imho the worst thing about being famous is that people get so jealous of you they start badmouthing behind you whenever they can. you do it right they also criticize, if you do it wrong CONGRATULATION they would scold you like you had kill a saint. what's more, you catch attention whenever you go so you have to be really wary on your behavior/appearance or critics are coming you way. you see how disastrous it is?
wait wait wait, i'm not being a sourgrape please.
ofcoz being famous has many benefits which can easily form a long list though. i seriously don't mind being famous if i have the X-factors and are all mentally prepared to bear all the responsibilities that come along lol. it's just that not being a famous person/blog is not that bad afterall and is actually a blessing in disguise too. you save all the aforementioned troubles!
i personally think blogging is meant for any things or incidents that worth to be recorded for keepsake, at least my blog serves this purpose. it's really pathetic to be writing for the sake of writing. as you all know human organs start disfunctioning as we grow old hence you lose your precious memories with your loved ones eventually. that's why photography is such a nobel invention, which helps capturing all the important moments and keeps it forever (provided all the printed/digital photos are kept properly lar). there is this quote from a Taiwanese drama that i really liked:
however, the voiceless photographs are just not good enough. it's true that a picture tells a thousand stories but still you are gonna forget the details many many years later. with blog we are actually offered a place to keep our memories in the form of pictures together with elaborations of the story behind it. there is no doubt that picture is an useful visual tool for recollection yet video is still the best option as it is the live record of the actual situation but sorry,

and i believe there are more ugly lazy people in this universe hence more photos than video LOL.
have you ever discovered a letter/diary which you had written years ago and you smiled/burst into laughter after reading? i know my blog will stay as long as Google remains hence this blog will be a mean of correspondence between me and the future me since i will read it again and again when i'm really bored to laugh at myself -_- in other words i'm writing something to be read by the future me in the future! therefore it's ok if nobody gives a shit to this blog of mine since i will always have this imaginary future reader -_-
awwww with that in mind i'm gonna behave myself so as not to do/eat/think/say something silly which eventually end up in a blog entry that will make the future me laugh to dead after reading -_-
how do i live without u, 1.23pm